Mimarlık, Kentsel Tasarım, Şehir Planlama, Bölge Planlama, Arkeoloji, Tarihsel ve Doğal Çevre Korunması. Architecture, Urban Design, Urban Planning, Regional Planning, Historical Preservation, Archaeology, Natural Environment Preservation.
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Korunması Gerekli Önemli Bir Doğal ve Kültürel Miras : Atatürk Orman Çiftliği
Korunması Gerekli Önemli Bir Doğal ve Kültürel Miras :
Atatürk Orman Çiftliği
Atatürk Orman Çiftliği (AOÇ), 1925 yılında bizzat Atatürk tarafından “Gazi Çiftlikleri” olarak kuruldu. Başlangıçta 150 395 dekar, Kuruluş Yasası (1950) ile 100 000 dekar olan AOÇ, ne yazık ki günümüzde arazi varlığının % 70’ini (tapulu ölçüm ile % 47’sini) kaybederek günümüzde yaklaşık 33 000 dekara geriledi...
Gazi Kendi Eliyle Kurduğu Orman Çiftliğinde
Gazi, kendi çiftlikleri için şunları söylemekteydi:
“......Çiftliklerin yerine göre araziyi ıslah ve tanzim etmek, muhitlerini güzelleştirmek, halka gezecek eğlenecek ve dinlenecek sıhhi yerler, hilesiz ve nefis gıda temin eylemek, bazı yerlerde ihtikarla fiili ve muvafakkiyetli mücadelede bulunmak gibi hizmetleri de zikre şayandır...
Tecrübelerini müsbet iş sahasından alan bu müesseseleri,
Ø Ziraat usüllerini düzeltme,
Ø İstihsalatı arttırma ve,
Ø Köyleri kalkındırma yolunda,
Devletçe alınan ve alınacak olan tedbirlerin hüsnü intihap ve inkişafına çok müsait birer amil ve mesnet olacaklarına kani bulunuyorum ve bu kanaatte tasarrufum altındaki bu çiftlikleri bütün tesisat, hayvanat ve demirbaşları ile beraber hazineye hediye ediyorum......”
M. Kemal ATATÜRK (11 Haziran 1937)
Çiftlik, 1938 yılında 3308 sayılı yasa ile kurulan “Devlet Ziraat İşletmeleri” kurumuna bağışlandı.. Böylece arazi varlığından kayıpların başladığını kaynaklar söylüyor...
1950 yılında Devlet Üretme Çiftlikleri bünyesine alındı. 24 Mart 1950 tarih ve 5659 Sayılı Yasa ile de “Atatürk Orman Çiftliği” adı altında Tarım Bakanlığı’na bağlı, tüzel kişiliği olan bir kuruluş haline getirildi...
Aşağıdaki satış, tahsis vb işlemlere bakıldığında durumun ne kadar vahim olduğunu görebiliriz:
Ø 1938-1948 yılları arasında; Ankara Belediyesi, Türk Kuşu Uçak Fabrikası, Kısa Dalga Radyo Vericisi, Sümerbank Dokuma Sanayi, Tekel Bira Fabrikası, Tohum Islah İstasyonu ve Zirai Kombinalar Reisliği için ayrılan alanlar (hektarlarca alan),
Ø 1950 yılında Hava Trafik istasyonu kurulması için ayrılan 40 dekar arazi,
Ø Başta, MSB ve Ankara Belediyesi olmak üzere, hazineden, yapı kooperatiflerine, çiftçilerden, Orman Gn.Md’ne, Üniversitelerden, Meslek Okullarına kadar birçok kamu kurum ve kuruluşuna, kişilere AOÇ arazisinin verilmesi,
Ø Karayolları, Etibank, MKE, TMO, DSİ, PTT, SSK, Şap enstitüsü, MTA, TPAO vb resmi kurumların yer aldığı liste giderek artıyor, sanki “ata malı, miras yedi” misali..
Böylece, bütün bunların yanı sıra, 509 dönümü yapı kooperatiflerine olmak üzere 18 767 dekar arazinin, satış ve tahsis şeklinde çeşitli özel kuruluşlar ve kamu kuruluşlarına verildiği saptanıyor.. (Başbakanlık Yüksek Denetleme Kurulu, AOÇ Müdürlüğü Yıllık Raporları, 1999).
1980 yılında “Atatürk’ün Doğumunun 100. Yılının Kutlanması ve Atatürk Kültür Merkezi Kurulması Hakkında” ki 2302 sayılı yasa ile Cumhurbaşkanı başkanlığında bir Milli Komite kuruluyor ve Hipodrom ve yakın çevresi Atatürk Kültür Merkezi Alanı ilan ediliyor.. Açılan yarışmalarla AKM inşaatı tamamlanıyor ama 15 yılı aşkın bir süredir nedense çevresi bir türlü düzenlenemiyor.. Geçen gün yakın çevresine bir baktım da, ayıp doğrusu....
Ankara Kültür ve Tabiat Varlıklarını Koruma Kurulu, 1996 yılında aldığı bir karar ile (2436 Sayılı) AOÇ alanını “I. Derece Doğal ve Tarihi Sit Alanı” olarak ilan etti...
Aslında, bu karar uyarınca bu alanda bitki örtüsü, topografya, siluet etkisini bozabilecek, tahribata yönelik hiçbir eylemde bulunulmaması gerekir. Kültür ve Tabiat Varlıklarını Koruma Yasası uyarınca da “bir alanın sit alanı olarak ilanı, bu alandaki imar planı uygulamasını durdurur ve iki yıl içinde bu alanlar için KORUMA AMAÇLI BİR PLAN yapılmasını gerektirir..”
Ancak, 1984 yılından bu yana geçen 20 yılda AOÇ için bütüncül bir KORUMA / GELİŞTİRME PLANI hazırlanamamıştır.
AOÇ, Atatürk’ün kurduğu doğal, tarihsel ve kültürel önemli bir MİRAS’dır. Metropoliten Ankara Kentinin gereksinimi olan yeşil alanların büyük bir kısmını, İmrahor Vadisi ile birlikte “ekolojik bir sistem bütünü içinde” sağlayabilecek Atatürk Orman Çiftliği’nin, bütüncül bir Koruma-Geliştirme Planı’nın hazırlanması ve Atatürk’ün amaçladığı doğrultuda kullanılması gereklidir..
Cumhuriyetin 100. Yılına, AOÇ’nin bir “Metropoliten Yeşil Aks”, bir “Kent Parkı”, bir “Su Parkı” olarak kente kazandırıldığı uygulamalarla girmek, ulusal bir ödev olacaktır sanırım..
Bu vesile ile; Gazi Üniversitesi’nde birlikte Şehircilik Projesi derslerine girdiğimiz arkadaşlarımızın hazırladığı önemli bir etkinlik olacak “Uluslar arası Yaz Okulu”ndan da bahsetmek istiyorum. Aşağıda kendilerinin yazdığı duyuru metni var..
AOÇ’nin korunması yolunda bir adım olacak bu toplantıya tüm Ankaralı’ların katılması bir kentlilik borcudur..
İyi baharlar..
Kalın Sağlıcakla..
GHAZI MODEL FARM (Atatürk Orman Çiftliği)
GHAZI MODEL FARM (Atatürk Orman Ciftligi)
By Mehmet TUNÇER[1]
How we have forgotten AOC ice-cream, which is our taste/flavor of childhood, AOC beer as remembrance during adolescence ages as members of Ankara population. Ghazi (Mustafa Kemal Ataturk / Founder of the Republic of Turkey) Forest Farm (AOC) is our sea, Bhosphorus (At Istanbul) or/and Cordon Line (At Izmir).
My ideas depend upon more past periods, the oldest memories about AOC reminded me such events that; fear imposed us about how the elephants located at Zoological Garden throw the children, speeches, lions’ voices and smells, birds’ scream while they walk around at their cage freely, and the silence of thousands of fish in the Aquarium…
When we look at the middle and high school memories of each Ankara citizen such phenomenon cover our minds that; after excited preparation with the speech of “Let’s go to the picnic to the Farm”, crowdedness of weekend at farm, its noisy environment, smoke rise from braziers, noisy picnics within train whistles, ice-creams, beers, and the cheapest but the delicious and tasty wines.
Nevertheless, at the beginning of last century, the wealthy people migrated to the orchards at summer times as a result of dust storm at “Steppe Angora”. At orchards areas (Oren in Turkish) at the valleys of Keçiören, Etlik, Kavaklıdere. And new orchards houses had built for “Eşraf” at the late 19th century and this trend give a birth to a new culture.
The most essential recreation area was Bendderesi (a small river), which had begun to pollute even at that times of Angora. At the final part of this Century, with the connection of railway network to Ankara, the last trees remaining at Hippodrome were cut down and utilized as fuel for heating, and as a result of this fact, City’s steppe areas had become larger.
Anyhow, 1881 fire and later 1917 fire were deteriorated the districts and most part of the historical city texture and at the same time some of the “Bedesten” and “Han” annihilated by these fires (harik).
It is hard to convert an Anatolian small town, which is dusty, hot and be ruined with fires into a well-planned capital city in 10-15 years.
This aim began by the help of city planning, constructing buildings, constructing public buildings as a good example of national architecture by famous foreign architects, existing knowledge, skills and workmanship, materials.
Nevertheless, improvement of aridity of soil as a result of unconciosness, enabling soil productive, watering it and turning it to green are the most difficult task in my opinion.
Although hopeless speeches such as “Do not try here, even grass cannot grow here”, “Here is arid, planted area would dry” etc. were being said, Mustafa Kemal had constructed “Forest Farm” and began to struggle with nature as he had fight with his enemies. This fight is difficult, as its known resembles. He planted trees, had digging soil, used tractor in this fight.
The production of struggles, AOÇ, was annihilated by appropriation of 1/3 of its area and looting. Here is the most looting came from public agencies that constructed coach station / terminal at one side and located cemetery on another side.
Local and central managers could not carry out to make pedestrialization, and they could not thought about green area need of a city. Still AOÇ does not have a plan although it contains a large potential. A huge green axis can be created from railway station to Genclik Parkı (Youth Park) . Align with Ankara River to Sincan, Eryaman...Natural parks, sports areas, safari parks... can be established by using this potential.
My wishes are that AOÇ’s conservation and convert to a “Nature Park”.. Also, utilization of its even small parts for different purposes is out my wishes..
[1] Assoc. Prof. Dr., Urban and Regional Planner, Part-time Instructor in Gazi University, Faculty of Architecture, Dep. Of City and Regional Planner.
By Mehmet TUNÇER[1]
How we have forgotten AOC ice-cream, which is our taste/flavor of childhood, AOC beer as remembrance during adolescence ages as members of Ankara population. Ghazi (Mustafa Kemal Ataturk / Founder of the Republic of Turkey) Forest Farm (AOC) is our sea, Bhosphorus (At Istanbul) or/and Cordon Line (At Izmir).
My ideas depend upon more past periods, the oldest memories about AOC reminded me such events that; fear imposed us about how the elephants located at Zoological Garden throw the children, speeches, lions’ voices and smells, birds’ scream while they walk around at their cage freely, and the silence of thousands of fish in the Aquarium…
When we look at the middle and high school memories of each Ankara citizen such phenomenon cover our minds that; after excited preparation with the speech of “Let’s go to the picnic to the Farm”, crowdedness of weekend at farm, its noisy environment, smoke rise from braziers, noisy picnics within train whistles, ice-creams, beers, and the cheapest but the delicious and tasty wines.
Nevertheless, at the beginning of last century, the wealthy people migrated to the orchards at summer times as a result of dust storm at “Steppe Angora”. At orchards areas (Oren in Turkish) at the valleys of Keçiören, Etlik, Kavaklıdere. And new orchards houses had built for “Eşraf” at the late 19th century and this trend give a birth to a new culture.
The most essential recreation area was Bendderesi (a small river), which had begun to pollute even at that times of Angora. At the final part of this Century, with the connection of railway network to Ankara, the last trees remaining at Hippodrome were cut down and utilized as fuel for heating, and as a result of this fact, City’s steppe areas had become larger.
Anyhow, 1881 fire and later 1917 fire were deteriorated the districts and most part of the historical city texture and at the same time some of the “Bedesten” and “Han” annihilated by these fires (harik).
It is hard to convert an Anatolian small town, which is dusty, hot and be ruined with fires into a well-planned capital city in 10-15 years.
This aim began by the help of city planning, constructing buildings, constructing public buildings as a good example of national architecture by famous foreign architects, existing knowledge, skills and workmanship, materials.
Nevertheless, improvement of aridity of soil as a result of unconciosness, enabling soil productive, watering it and turning it to green are the most difficult task in my opinion.
Although hopeless speeches such as “Do not try here, even grass cannot grow here”, “Here is arid, planted area would dry” etc. were being said, Mustafa Kemal had constructed “Forest Farm” and began to struggle with nature as he had fight with his enemies. This fight is difficult, as its known resembles. He planted trees, had digging soil, used tractor in this fight.
The production of struggles, AOÇ, was annihilated by appropriation of 1/3 of its area and looting. Here is the most looting came from public agencies that constructed coach station / terminal at one side and located cemetery on another side.
Local and central managers could not carry out to make pedestrialization, and they could not thought about green area need of a city. Still AOÇ does not have a plan although it contains a large potential. A huge green axis can be created from railway station to Genclik Parkı (Youth Park) . Align with Ankara River to Sincan, Eryaman...Natural parks, sports areas, safari parks... can be established by using this potential.
My wishes are that AOÇ’s conservation and convert to a “Nature Park”.. Also, utilization of its even small parts for different purposes is out my wishes..
[1] Assoc. Prof. Dr., Urban and Regional Planner, Part-time Instructor in Gazi University, Faculty of Architecture, Dep. Of City and Regional Planner.